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作为掌潮(Palmtide)的成员,消费者将能享受到商家联盟提供的完全免费的消费积分,至少是当次消费额度的10 %(消费积分= 1元人民币) 。这个应用程序包括寻找餐馆和其他消费场所,核实会员身份,抵用计费和记录积分等等功能,但不包含支付功能。帐户余额就是消费积分,可以在下次消费中以1:1的比例抵扣消费额。

→ 1、点击“积分操作”
→ 2、“输入手机号码”,输入消费者提供的掌潮注册手机号码(下一步)
→ 3、“填写消费情况”输入现金与抵扣情况 (提交) 
→ 4、“验证确认” 输入消费者通过APP获得的6位验证码 (提交验证码)
→ 获得操作成功的提示
→  1、向商家提供已注册的掌潮手机账号(未注册的在掌潮APP“个人”界面里的“登陆”入口,进行“注册新用户”操作)
→  2、打开掌潮APP登录个人账号,在个人“通知中心”里面找到当次消费的验证码,将验证码提供给商家

The Palmtide app, as a consumption bonus points management platform, tries to establish restaurant business alliances,the target audience is mainly catering to local consumers and businesses. As already existing services, there are thousands of restaurants and ten of thousands of consumers members on the PalmTide platform. This app is used to replace mobile text messages with membership verification, validation and record consumption points. Therefore, It plays an import role of the service..

As the members of the PalmTide , consumers will be able to enjoy all the members of the Business Alliance ( a consumer Points = 1 RMB ) complete free to provide at least 10% of the consumption points . This app including finding restaurants, verify membership , points deduction and record integral function , does not include the payment function. Account balance is consumption points, can be deducted in the next consumption.

This application provide member with free download service, without any form of additional or upgrade costs for consumers and businesses. The platform which provided this app will receive a percentage from commercial affiliate commissions .